Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fudamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design.pdf

Product Description

"Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design" teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed. VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks and larger systems are defined in a hardware description language, producing designs that can be implemented with modern CAD tools. This book emphasizes CAD through the use of Altera's Quartus II CAD software, a state-of-the-art digital circuit design package. This software produces automatic mapping of designs written in VHDL into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs).

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Mastering Audio, Second Edition: The art and the science


"The definitive work on indispensable resource for anyone working with audio. If you only buy one book on audio, this has to be it - it should be required reading for anyone involved with recording, producing or mastering music."
-Sound on Sound magazine

"After reading it, you will likely consider this book to be required reading for all audio professionals, regardless of technical background, who are interested in creating better sounding audio. I know that I do." - Jim Kaiser, Journal of the AES, March 2008

"I just received my book in the mail. Bob, you did a great job with the 2nd edition. This version does not read as clinical as the first edition making it an easier read. I really like the layout and updated info you put in the book."
- Glenn Bucci, Revelation Sound

"Aimed at intermediate to advanced users, what sets this book apart is the liberal inclusion of practical tips, and the author's ability to be authoritative without being didactic. Even if you already do mastering, this book will help you do it better."
- Craig Anderton (editor of EQ magazine)
"I have no reservations when I recommend that every engineer working with audio purchase a copy of Mastering Audio."
- Tape Op Magazine, March/April 2008

"If you want to know what goes on behind the scenes in recording the music you enjoy; and learn more about digital audio, this comprehensive, insightful, and accessible book is without peer."
-Absolute Sound (Oct. 2007)

Valve Amplifiers, Third Edition


"Jam-packed with theory, circuit analysis, and DIY basics, it will walk you through all stages of design so that you can create your own wonders. Jones is an ex-BBC engineer with a cool writing style and you'll find it a no-pain education."
Hi-Fi News and Record Review

"Valve Amplifiers is an extremely well-written book, containing a wealth of information that all audio designers and builders will find useful."
Glass Audio

"Many still hanker after the traditional warm valve sound from a hi-fi, and if you're handy with a soldering iron and not afraid of HT voltages, the Jones' book could keep you amused for hours. Filled with designs, tips, and information on every aspect of valve power amplifiers, a basic knowledge of electronics and metalwork is all you'll need to get the most from this (relatively) ancient technology."
Lighting & Sound

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Wi-Fi Toys - 15 Cool Wireless Projects For Home, Office, And Entertainment

Product Description
* This ultra-cool volume invites readers to tap into your inner geek and build seventeen ultra-cool wireless devices including a solar powered access point, a wireless picture frame that dynamically changes its own photos, and even a wireless car-to-car audio and video system
* With a few simple tools, some off-the-shelf parts, and this book, readers will be creating wireless devices they never thought were possible-toys that certainly can't be found at the local computer store
* Written by the cofounder and members of the Southern California Wireless Users Group, this book provides readers with hands-on instruction and insider tips and tricks from those who are on the bleeding edge of wireless technology
* New addition to the ExtremeTech line of books-books for serious technophiles

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Op Amps - Design, Application and Troubleshooting

Product Description

OP Amps deliberately straddles that imaginary line between the technician and engineering worlds. Topics are carefully addressed on three levels: operational overview, numerical analysis, and design procedures. Troubleshooting techniques are presented that rely on the application of fundamental electronics principles. Systematic methods are shown that can be used to diagnose defects in many kinds of circuits that employ operational amplifiers.

One of the book's greatest strengths is the easy-to-read conversational
writing style. The author speaks directly to the student in a manner that encourages learning. This book explains the technical details of operational amplifier circuits in clear and understandable language without sacrificing technical depth.

Easy-to-read conversational style communicates procedures an technical details in simple language.
Three levels of technical material: operational overview, manericall analysis, and design procedures.
Mathematics limited to algebraic manipulation.

The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design (EDN Series for Design Engineers)


In this companion text to Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science, and Personalities, seventeen contributors present more tutorial, historical, and editorial viewpoints on subjects related to analog circuit design. By presenting divergent methods and views of people who have achieved some measure of success in their field, the book encourages readers to develop their own approach to design. In addition, the essays and anecdotes give some constructive guidance in areas not usually covered in engineering courses, such as marketing and career development.

*Includes visualizing operation of analog circuits

*Describes troubleshooting for optimum circuit performance

*Demonstrates how to produce a saleable product.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML


Today, serious Web pages use HTML and XHTML to structure their content and CSS for style and presentation. You need a book that understands how to incorporate everything correctly. Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML explains the fundamentals of HTML, XHTML, topics like web color, and CSS properties. In this book, pictures and step-by-step instructions explain how to build great-looking, standards-compliant web sites.

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The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design

Product Description

The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design is a special book—it will tell you all you need to know to design great web sites that are standards compliant, usable, and look great, but not overwhelm you with waffle, theory, and obscure details. It is designed to be invaluable to you, whatever stage you are at in your career, with a mixture of practical tutorials and reference material—beginners will quickly pick up the basics, while more experienced web designers and developers will keep returning to the book again and again to recap on techniques they maybe haven't used for a while, or look up properties, attributes and other details. It is destined to become a close friend, adopting a permanent place on your desk. It starts off by giving a brief introduction to the internet, and the broad area of web design, before diving straight in to HTML and CSS basics, reusing code, other best practices. It then focuses on all the most important areas of a successful web site—typography, images, navigation, tables, layouts, forms and feedback (including ready made PHP scripts for you to use,) and browser quirks, hacks and bugs. The book is completely up-to-date, covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 7 and Firefox 2. The last chapter of the book provides several case studies for you to dissect and learn from, including all the most popular web site archetypes—a blog, a store front, a corporate home page, and an online gallery. Then the book is rounded off with several detailed reference appendices covering CSS, HTML, Color references, entities, and more, meaning that any details you need to look up are close at hand.
  • This book will teach you everything you need to know to create professional CSS and HTML web sites
  • Up to date � covering support of the newest standards in all the latest browsers, including IE 7 and Firefox 2
  • Includes practical real world tutorials, essential reference sections, and case studies.

Introductory Circuit Analysis-Boylestad

Product Description

For conventional flow courses in DC/AC Circuits in two-or four-year technology and engineering programs. THE most widely acclaimed text in the field for more than three decades, Introductory Circuit Analysis provides introductory-level students with the most thorough, understandable presentation of circuit analysis available. Exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, practical applications, and comprehensive coverage of essentials provide students with a solid, accessible foundation.

Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics-Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J

Product Description

The Finite-Difference Time-domain (FDTD) method allows you to compute electromagnetic interaction for complex problem geometries with ease. The simplicity of the approach coupled with its far-reaching usefulness, create the powerful, popular method presented in The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics. This volume offers timeless applications and formulations you can use to treat virtually any material type and geometry.The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics explores the mathematical foundations of FDTD, including stability, outer radiation boundary conditions, and different coordinate systems. It covers derivations of FDTD for use with PEC, metal, lossy dielectrics, gyrotropic materials, and anisotropic materials. A number of applications are completely worked out with numerous figures to illustrate the results. It also includes a printed FORTRAN 77 version of the code that implements the technique in three dimensions for lossy dielectric materials. There are many methods for analyzing electromagnetic interactions for problem geometries. With The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics, you will learn the simplest, most useful of these methods, from the basics through to the practical applications.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

RF Design Guide Systems, Circuits and Equations (Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library)

Product Description

Provides a means out of the paradox-lack of sufficient design time, by summarizing in one reference the information required for a typical radio frequency (RF) communication project. DLC: Radio circuits - Design and construction.

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Synthesis and Optimization of DSP Algorithms (Kindle Edition)

Product Description

Synthesis and Optimization of DSP Algorithms describes approaches taken to synthesising structural hardware descriptions of digital circuits from high-level descriptions of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms. The book contains: -A tutorial on the subjects of digital design and architectural synthesis, intended for DSP engineers,
-A tutorial on the subject of DSP, intended for digital designers,
-A discussion of techniques for estimating the peak values likely to occur in a DSP system, thus enabling an appropriate signal scaling. Analytic techniques, simulation techniques, and hybrids are discussed. The applicability of different analytic approaches to different types of DSP design is covered,
-The development of techniques to optimise the precision requirements of a DSP algorithm, aiming for efficient implementation in a custom parallel processor. The idea is to trade-off numerical accuracy for area or power-consumption advantages. Again, both analytic and simulation techniques for estimating numerical accuracy are described and contrasted. Optimum and heuristic approaches to precision optimisation are discussed,
-A discussion of the importance of the scheduling, allocation, and binding problems, and development of techniques to automate these processes with reference to a precision-optimized algorithm,
-Future perspectives for synthesis and optimization of DSP algorithms.
A wide body of literature exists covering separately the areas of DSP, hardware design, and design automation. This book brings together the fields, concentrating on those transformations, optimizations, and design techniques that would usually be considered to cross the domain boundaries between "pure DSP" and "pure digital implementation". As such, this book forms a valuable contribution to the existing literature.
Synthesis and Optimization of DSP Algorithms is of use both to researchers and students in the field of design automation for DSP systems, and to those wishing to implement state-of-the-art techniques within an Electronic Design Automation framework.

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Electronic Power Units

Manfred Schleicher
Winfried Schneider

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Developments in Speech Synthesis

Product Description

With a growing need for understanding the process involved in producing and perceiving spoken language, this timely publication answers these questions in an accessible reference.  Containing material resulting from many years’ teaching and research, Speech Synthesis provides a complete account of the theory of speech.  By bringing together the common goals and methods of speech synthesis into a single resource, the book will lead the way towards a comprehensive view of the process involved in human speech. The book includes applications in speech technology and speech synthesis. It is ideal for intermediate students of linguistics and phonetics who wish to proceed further, as well as researchers and engineers in telecommunications working in speech technology and speech synthesis who need a comprehensive overview of the field and who wish to gain an understanding of the objectives and achievements of the study of speech production and perception. 

From the Back Cover

Contemporary speech synthesis is perceived as inadequate for general adoption for user interaction, largely because it rests on an inadequate model of human speech production and perception. This book reviews the underlying model, brings out areas of inadequacy and suggests how improvements might be made. It is argued that a greater understanding of the fine detail of speech will enable new research and application initiatives. The authors draw on their extensive experience in both theoretical and applied research to bring forward proposals for producing more natural sounding synthetic speech.
  • Provides an overview of the current work in speech synthesis, including a critical review of markup systems (including XML and SSML) embedded in interactive applications.
  • Argues that naturalness in synthesis will benefit from enhancements to underlying models of prosody which more accurately account for the properties of human speech, yet can also be productively transferred to speech synthesis.
  • Emphasises the importance of an explicit and extensible architecture as the basis for future developments, stressing particularly the importance of close modelling of expressive and emotive content – key features of naturalness.
  • Focuses on the dynamic nature of prosody, as opposed to the more usual static treatment, especially as an adaptive model compliant with pragmatic and environmental constraints. 

Downloading link.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Effective Java: Programming Language Guide


Written for the working Java developer, Joshua Bloch's Effective Java Programming Language Guide provides a truly useful set of over 50 best practices and tips for writing better Java code. With plenty of advice from an indisputable expert in the field, this title is sure to be an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to get more out of their code.As a veteran developer at Sun, the author shares his considerable insight into the design choices made over the years in Sun's own Java libraries (which the author acknowledges haven't always been perfect). Based on his experience working with Sun's best minds, the author provides a compilation of 57 tips for better Java code organized by category. Many of these ideas will let you write more robust classes that better cooperate with built-in Java APIs. Many of the tips make use of software patterns and demonstrate an up-to-the-minute sense of what works best in today's design. Each tip is clearly introduced and explained with code snippets used to demonstrate each programming principle.
Early sections on creating and destroying objects show you ways to make better use of resources, including how to avoid duplicate objects. Next comes an absolutely indispensable guide to implementing "required" methods for custom classes. This material will help you write new classes that cooperate with old ones (with advice on implementing essential requirements like the equals() and hashCode() methods).
The author has a lot to say about class design, whether using inheritance or composition. Tips on designing methods show you how to create understandable, maintainable, and robust classes that can be easily reused by others on your team. Sections on mapping C code (like structures, unions, and enumerated types) onto Java will help C programmers bring their existing skills to Sun's new language. Later sections delve into some general programming tips, like using exceptions effectively. The book closes with advice on using threads and synchronization techniques, plus some worthwhile advice on object serialization.
Whatever your level of Java knowledge, this title can make you a more effective programmer. Wisely written, yet never pompous or doctrinaire, the author has succeeded in packaging some really valuable nuggets of advice into a concise and very accessible guidebook that arguably deserves a place on most any developer's bookshelf. --Richard Dragan
Topics covered:
  • Best practices and tips for Java
  • Creating and destroying objects (static factory methods, singletons, avoiding duplicate objects and finalizers)
  • Required methods for custom classes (overriding equals(), hashCode(), toString(), clone(), and compareTo() properly)
  • Hints for class and interface design (minimizing class and member accessibility, immutability, composition versus inheritance, interfaces versus abstract classes, preventing subclassing, static versus nonstatic classes)
  • C constructs in Java (structures, unions, enumerated types, and function pointers in Java)
  • Tips for designing methods (parameter validation, defensive copies, method signatures, method overloading, zero-length arrays, hints for Javadoc comments)
  • General programming advice (local variable scope, using Java API libraries, avoiding float and double for exact comparisons, when to avoid strings, string concatenation, interfaces and reflection, avoid native methods, optimizing hints, naming conventions)
  • Programming with exceptions (checked versus run-time exceptions, standard exceptions, documenting exceptions, failure-capture information, failure atomicity)
  • Threading and multitasking (synchronization and scheduling hints, thread safety, avoiding thread groups)
  • Serialization (when to implement Serializable, the readObject(), and readResolve() methods)

Product Description

(Pearson Education) Working solutions to programming challenges faced by Java developers on a daily basis, revealing what to do to produce clear, robust and efficient code. Include rules in short essay form, and the author's 'war stories,' giving advice and insights into nuances of the language. Softcover. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Beginning Visual Basic .NET Database Programming-Wrox

Product Description

This book has been fully tested on and is compliant with the official release of NET. Almost all applications have to deal with data access in some way or another. This book will teach you how to build Visual Basic .NET applications that make effective use of databases. Visual Basic .NET is the latest version of the most widely used programming language in the world, popular with professional developers and beginners alike.
Starting with a guide to the basic principles of database design, we then examine how to query databases and how to access their data - both in Windows applications and remotely using the Internet and Web Services. Every new concept is explained thoroughly with Try It Out examples, plenty of code samples, and end-of-chapter questions to test you.
This book covers:
- The basic principles of relational database design
- Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine
- Querying the database with the T-SQL language
- Visual Studio .NET and the Server Explorer
- ADO.NET and the DataSet
- Data binding, updating the database, and conflict resolution
- XML's role in ADO.NET
- Accessing data with ASP.NET and Web Services

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