Electronics components.
1. Resistors.
Resistors are passive components which resist the flow of currents through a circuit. It is measured in Ohms. They conduct in both directions and its current voltage relationship is linear and so they are known as linear bilateral device. Resistors are characterized by its resistance value, power (wattage), tolerance. Tolerance is allowed variations of resistance from its normal value. If the current through the resistance exceeds, power dessipation in the resistance in the resistor will increase sice the power is directly proportional to the square of the current through the resistor. Values of resistors generally available in market ranges. from 1 Ohm to 20 Mega Ohm. Resistance with power rating of 1/8W, 1/4W, 1/2W,1W, 2W and 10W are available. Resistors are mainly two types. Fixed resistors and variable resistors.
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